212 19TH STREET    >>>


Find Connection. Grow Faith. Journey Together.


Here at C.R.E.W. Youth Ministry, we believe that faith is something that should be lived out, not kept inside. Crew is a place for all youth to meet, fellowship, and worship. We want to create a space where youth can come and feel comfortable discussing their faith openly, without judgment so that they can show that love to everyone they meet.

We have so much at Crew to make this a possibility! From our weekly Gospel Through Movies Bible Study where we dive into God’s word through the lens of our favorite movies, to Wednesday Crew where we have worship, fellowship, and small groups, to The Break on Sundays where we connect with each other, and to our Crew in the Community Nights where we have fun around VB, and so much more! We would love to have you join us for any and all of it! 


Our goal is to have youth take steps towards a faith of their own. So whether you're a lifelong Christian or just starting to explore your faith, we welcome you to join us on this journey as we make this Crew your Crew!

Get Connected!



Grow Faith

Our youth are some of the most incredible people in the world. They are making a difference right now, today, in the church and in the world around us. They are developing deep spiritual beliefs of their own, so  they can share God's love and light with others. 

Find Connection

Our C.R.E.W. ministry is open to all 6th-12th graders, as well as college students and young adults. We meet Wednesday nights from 6:00-8:00 pm for games, music, devotions, and discipleship groups. On Sunday mornings we have an ongoing bible study called "The Gospel through Movies." This is a great opportunity for our youth to develop their faith, make friends, and have some fun along the way. So please join us! We would love to have you be a part of our community.

Journey Together

Come and join us as we participate in God's work! Our programs and events are focused on walking with our youth in their lives so that they may become active participants in and for God's Kingdom. We want our youth to be able to see and experience God's work first-hand, and we believe that by participating together, we can make a difference. Join us on this journey—who knows what adventures await!


Brett Bucklin

Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministries


School Year

Permission Form


If you have a youth who plans to participate in C.R.E.W. activities this school year, please complete and submit the form linked below.

What's Happening @ CREW?

Sunday Mornings, Sunday Nights, & Wednesday CREW

The Gospel Through Movies

God is at work all around us, even in the ways we might miss. Through our Sunday morning Bible Study, the Gospel Through Movies, we take a dive into how we can see God at work in all things. By taking Scripture to see biblical messages in favorite movies, we can start to experience God at work and apply these messages to our own every day lives. Come join us Sunday mornings at 11:00 am in the youth space!

The Break

Scripture tells us we are not meant to be alone. As we gather together at Crew, we hope to make it the crew for all youth in the area. We do just that on Sunday nights. Through a time of fellowship, food, and connection, our youth can become the crew whose relationships extend beyond Crew, beyond VBUMC, and into their lives as they take a break from the craziness of the world to focus on something and someone greater. The Break meets Sunday nights from 5:00 to 7:00 pm at VBUMC!

Wednesday CREW

Faith is something that isn’t always easy. At Wednesday Crew we recognize this & aim to have our youth grow in their faith as we connect with God & with each other. On Wednesdays, each youth will have time to hang out with friends &mentors, hear an engaging & relevant biblical message, & experience an intentional time of small groups to grow in our connections with God & with youth their age.  Our goal is to have youth experience God’s love & light & to participate it one step at a time! Wednesday Crew meets in the youth space at VBUMC on Wednesdays from 6:00 to 8:00 pm.


As we go to Be the Light with Appalachia Service Project this year, we are starting our sign ups early to get a good headcount ahead of time to help with planning. There will be a sign up link on realm with a fee of $175 (same as last two years).

Check out our shop

Did you know that we have a shop for CREW?

Download the Redbubble app, search for Crew-YMin & the shop will pop right up!

Anything you buy, a portion will go back into our youth ministry!  

 College Ministry 

Acts 2 tells us that the early church gathered for food, fellowship, prayer, and teaching. So why wouldn’t we model our College Ministry this way? Our college Crew gathers over the summer and winter months for great food, great fellowship, and an engaging small group conversation around our faith in God. We would love to have you join us at these meetings!

Not in town as you are off to college? No worries! We would love to stay in touch, send you care packages, and hear all about what is going on in your life! Contact us for more information!


Resources and Curriculum 


See what's coming up at CREW Youth This Month

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