Senior Ministry of Virginia Beach UMC

A Church for All Generations   

Shaped by the wisdom of the past, focused on serving our communities today.

Serving God in All

Seasons of Life

Senior Ministry is a churchwide, vibrant presence in which older adults feel welcomed and fully engaged in the ministry of God’s kingdom. Through Spirit-led intergenerational activities, educational opportunities, and missional events to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus, Senior Ministry seeks to enrich seniors’ spiritual lives and foster a sense of belonging in the Body of Christ.

Connecting Senior Adults to the Church and the World

Are you 55 or better? Are you looking for opportunities to grow spiritually, stretch your mind and flex your spirit?


Seasoned Energetic Adults (S.E.A.) Fellowship is the perfect way for you to continue to grow in your faith and learn about opportunities for fellowship, service, and outreach with other seniors. S.E.A. meets the 2nd Friday of each month from September through May and offers a variety of opportunities for fellowship, inspiration, education, faith formation and service and outreach.


The goal of S.E.A. Fellowship is to help seniors discover and develop their gifts, talents, and abilities for service in the local church and community. It also provides opportunities for fellowship with other seniors who share common interests and concerns. We hope that you will join us in this ministry by attending our next meeting!

Retire from work, not from life.

Enjoy this unique season of life...

...connect with other seasoned energetic adults through fellowship, service and outreach.